Saturday, January 24, 2009


We have nothing new or really interesting report today.

Like we said, a whole lot of Groundhog Day deja vu all over again. (Wow, Bill Murray and Yogi Berra in the same reference!!)

Another good day with Katrina. She's really talking up a storm now (not in English, of course) and she's much more engaged and interactive than she was the first few days we were with her. That's to be expected though, and we're patient with the bonding process. (Remember, we've been through this with Alexis.) She's also testing us - as parents - to see how far she can push things, and sometimes we can't help but laugh to see the her little mind working her way through sneaky scenarios and parent-subversive plots. That's also good... she understands our true feelings toward her and now she's just being a little child, comfortable with her parents while trying to learn her limits.

Meanwhile, our boys at home (Darian and Trevor) are negotiating with each other to determine how Stephen is going to paint their new room once we get home. Right now, it seems to be some sort of mix of colors for the San Diego Chargers and the Denver Nuggets. Anyway, Darian and Trevor, Daddy cannot wait to get home and grab a paint brush, so br ready with your colors and design.

More photos of Katrina.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you post pictures everyday! It's wonderful! Katrina is so beautiful. It's wild to think that I was in that play room just 2 months ago...bizarre!
